Monday, December 3, 2007

What Are Your Favorite Things?

As a CEO we do get to indulge ourselves from time to time and when I can these are my favorite things:

Everything Aveda... shampoo, skincare, body care. I especially love the Clove Shampoo which keep my hair color dark and rich. I also love the Smooth Infusion Shampoo which I alternate with because it makes my hair so super shiny.

I love my Blackberry which my co workers lovingly call my "CrackBerry" because I am an addict with it. I am bad. It is the first think I do in the morning and the last thing at night, if I don't check it every so often I get a weird feeling in my stomach, like oh my God what am I missing? Who called, text or emailed me? Geeze and who know what kind of spam I may have that I need to act fast on... ha ha ha.

I love Everything Chocolate especially Cacao Anasa Chocolates. The everything chocolate experience... this is as wild as chocolate can get folks... and they exclusively carry it at Stalaros. Imagine: Cardamon, Rose Petals, Hawaiian Red Sea Salt and Pistachio... yes with chocolate... Its Crazy... Its love... Its an Obsession! And Please don't try the cookies...They are INsanity! Dark chocolate, walnuts, espresso and fudge...

I love learning new things like we do at the You Are a CEO program. I love to unload baggage from my past and gain new skills that make me a better and stronger person.

I love disciplined people who have clean cars, organized closets and get up early to go to the Gym.

I love the spa, getting a massage and "clean" little kids dressed up for Sunday Church.

I love flowers, white orchids, pink roses and blue Pansy's.

I love colorful birds, playful kittens and the smell of puppy breath.

I love the teal blue water in Tahiti, soft and the paintings of Eyvind Earle.

(He is a magical artist who worked for Disney before going out on his own.

You can see some of what he does at:

If you like landscapes and to daydream... he is your man. Google him too).

Now that I bared my soul, tell us "What Are Your Favorite Things"? What makes you laugh, smile or feel special? When you make a big sale or have extra money what do you indulge in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am having a funeral for my "Crackberry"

It died.

But funny I am not fiending...

Ha ha ha e