Thursday, November 29, 2007

How To File a Fictitious Name Statement

So Now You Are A CEO,

What is next? You have your business idea and you need to now get a fictitious business name. So here is what you need to do in Solano County and some basic requirements you should be aware of:

Filing Requirement:
State law (Business & professions §17910) requires that every person, partnership, corporation, or other association, who regularly transacts business in this State for profit under a fictitious business name, shall file a statement with the County Clerk. Within 30 days after the statement has been filed, the registrant shall cause it to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County in which the business is located, and the Affidavit of Publication filed with the County Clerk within 30 days after the completion of the publication.

Filing Instructions:
Submissions for Fictitious Business Name Statements must be complete, accurate, and legible to be accepted. Any missing, incomplete or illegible information will cause the form to be rejected, with the forfeiture of all filing fees. Please review the submission checklist before submitting the registration forms.
Complete in triplicate (1 original & 2 copies) the Fictitious Business Name Form
Enclose a Cashiers Check or Money Order made payable to the "Solano County Clerk" for the total amount of the filing fees.

Review the form to ensure that all fields are complete and clearly legible.
Fictitious Business Names can be obtained in person at the County Clerks Office or by mail. If you elect to appear in person, please bring the completed forms and a valid form of payment for all fees.

Renewal Requirements
Fictitious Business Name Statements remain in effect for 5 years from the date of filing. To renew an expiring statement the following requirements must be met.
Submission in triplicate of the Fictitious Business Name Form
Payment of filing fees

If the renewal filing has no changes from the initial filing, it is not necessary to publish the renewal filing.

Abandonment of Fictitious Name:
Per section §17922 of the Business and Professions code, "A person who has filed a fictitious business name statement may, upon ceasing to transact business in this state under the fictitious business name, file a statement of abandonment of use of fictitious business name."

To abandon use of a Fictitious Business Name Statement on file in Solano County, you will need to complete and submit a Statement of Abandonment and pay the applicable filing fee (see schedule of fees).

Withdrawal From Partnership:
Per section §17923 of the Business and Professions code, "the withdrawal of a partner does not cause a fictitious business name statement to expire."

To withdraw from an existing partnership on file in Solano County you will need to complete and submit a Statement of Withdrawal.

Instructions for Publication
Within 30 days after filing a new Fictitious Business Name Statement or change in status of an existing statement, the registrant shall cause it to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County in which the principal place of business is located. The publication must be once a week for four successive weeks and an affidavit of publication filed with the County Clerk within 30 days after the completion of the publication. The newspaper selected should be one that circulates in the area where the business is to be conducted. California Business and Professions Code §17917 (paraphrased)

Business License
Filing a fictitious business name statement does not license you to conduct business, it will only register your fictitious business name. Contact the appropriate local agency to obtain a business license.

Hope this helps you be the Best CEO you can.


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