Wednesday, October 10, 2007


DORRANCE PUBLISHING WANTS TO HELP YOU CALL(412) 288-4543. SELF PUBLISHING basically means that you will pay to publish your own book and sell it on the publishers website. The good part is you make more money if you hit it big but the bad part is you have to pay to get it printed. It can cost from a few hundred dollars to several thousands depending on your choices for printing, book cover and so forth.

This is a very old publishing company and they have help many people accomplish their dream of having their work in print. Many entrepreneurs can build creditability when they can add a published book to their resume. Self publishing is also a great way to pass down your family story or other life stories you wish to record as a keepsake.

You can fax over your manuscript of less than 50 pages and they will review it in 21-30 days. There is no cost or obligation. The format should be in some sort of word processing like Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. My Rep's fax number is (415) 388-0427 Attn Kristi Wilcox Author Relations Representative.

Enjoy and happy writing and tell them you heard it from us.

1 comment:

Julie Parker, Social Media Executive said...

You can also do a Google search using the key word self publishing and you can find other publishing companies.