Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Organize Your Mind Pages 10-16

My Journey Today with the Platinum Business Suite is Organizing My Mind.

I want to be reminded how to think like a CEO in an organized fashion because I know I can accomplish anything with organized behavior - which comes from organized thinking.

Page 11: You have to make time to plan your life or life will make plans for you.

This is very true in my life. If I don't take care of my bills, home and career projects they will demand my attention with an eventual crisis.

I have long been more of a reactive person that a proactive one in tasks I dislike. If I enjoy it - there is not an issue - I'm on it... but it takes work for me to change my thinking and behavior when I have to do something I don't really like or want to do.

For Example: I dislike telling anyone bad news or saying "no" to anything. I want people to like me and I struggle even when collecting late rent from a tenant who always has a million and two stories.

I belive I can trust Mr. Parker's teachings on this subject and can definately see how much stress I can reduced in my life if I become proactive instead of reactive.

Additionally Rome was not built in a day so he also teaches us to make small steps and win progressively and that's exactly where I am at.

Some of the things that get me are irregular bills I forget like car registration, property taxes, misc. repairs or other license renewals. How about you? What crisis pop up in your life that can be prevented if you plan for them with an organized mind? Are you mentally organized? Why or Why not?

I know I am not an organized thinker by nature. I raised myself while my divorced single mom worked so I don't always see the organized thinking pattern to follow but rather react to what "need" has popped up.

I don't feel bad about it because I am working on it. I use the You Are a CEO Platinum Business Suite to retrain my thinking. I listen to the audio books, I watch the DVD's and I study the work book and then I purposly follow it.

I take at least 15 minutes and read a section. Then I think of tasks I can complete fairly easily that will help me implement the fundamentals I have learned. I press to take steps towards my goals each day.

When I have a hard time making a decision, and that happens often, I think about my priorities and evaluate what really matters to me. Looking at what I value as my own customer helps me see what I can do and what can wait or not be done at all. I remember Mr. Parker's admonition to us "YOU ARE THE CEO OF AT LEAST YOUR OWN LIFE". that helps me remember I am in charge of me and my life and I have to be the Chief Execution Officer or things won't get done!

My Big Ones Are:

Exercising and Becomming a Healthy Person Project
My Reading and Personal Development Projects
Setting Work and Personal Goals and Accomplishing Them on Time.

How About You? I would love to hear your thoughts and progress as we take this journey together through the You Are a CEO Platinum Business Suite.

Getting a partner or having a support group like this blog really helps! We can encourage each other and help us all change our lives for the better.

Remember You Are a CEO, How's Your Business Running?

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