Monday, June 25, 2007

How's Your Focus?

Are you able to resist the temptation to switch tasks when you mind drifts? It's so very easy to lose focus when a crisis occurs and some times you must but you will never get your projects done if you don't keep your mind focused on what your goals are for the day.

The You Are a CEO program and my Stellar Enterprise Team members encourage a daily task planner. You simply make a list of what you need to do and focus until it is done.

If you make a rule that you complete your tasks daily and keep it small you will get in to the habit.

I normally give myself 3 new Blogs, a marketing project (like a letter or email blast or flier) and then structure unplanned work so that I can have time to do things that pop up.

I think people like that fact that my schedule is open to doing something for them right now and that is what my "Customers Value" and it makes me feel good to help.

How about You? Do you plan to have "unplanned work time"? Try it and let me know how you like it.

Have a Great Day and remember You Are a CEO, How's Your Business Running?

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