Sunday, July 22, 2007

Homemade Publicity Pie, Slices 1-7

What is the fun of being a successful CEO if no one knows about your fame?

Some people want the fame of being known for their business success and others are just glad to have their dreams come true. Both types of business professionals should be concerned about the fact that consumers trust a company or business professional more that is in the public eye with a positive reputation.

To meet your customers preferences you can hire an expert (which costs money), you can do it yourself (if you have the time), or you can delegate it to an employee which is what we suggest.

Humble Pie VS. Publicity Pie:

Humble Pie eaters are recognized by being humble.

Publicity Pie eaters will not only get your hard work recognized by your peers but you just may work less because more people know about your products and/or service which increases sales and it did not cost you an arm and a leg to advertise.

Publicity works, both good and bad and that is why so many companies and celeb's have their PR agents working diligently to keep their reputation properly positioned. PR can mean simple campaigns on line or in print that keep the public informed on what your company is doing.

Here is what we suggest: Keep your name out there with good community and public relations because most people really don't like to be sold but they DO want to hear about the latest and greatest product or service THAT WILL BENEFIT THEM SOMEHOW and good PR and CR does just that.

I know CEO's have to wear a million hats, your tired and you really don't want to be bothered with this publicity stuff but if you ever want to sell your business it will go faster and for more money if your business is well known and has a positive public image.

Humble Pie vs. Publicity Pie - basically you can make more sales and do less work with Publicity VS Humility and you can certainly have a slice or two of both and that is what we suggest since consumers don't like an ego maniac either.

Taste these Homemade Publicity Pie Recipes and let us know how they work for you.

1. Submit your resume to speak at an event. (Public speaking gets you recognized).
2. Sponsor an event or community function. (That will get you in the public eye).
3. Submit articles for print to the local media (news papers, magazines, television, etc).
4. When you do BIG THINGS write a press release that tells the public.
5. Write a book. Getting published is a door opener for most. There are self publishing places (Google Search: book publishing) but it costs. Dorance Publishing Co is one of the oldest and they will review your manuscript in 21-30 days.
6. Get a great website and market to send traffic to it.
7. Make a video (DVD) that people can view
that tells them who you are, what you do and why they should do business with you.

For help with any of our tips, videos or StellarVision's web TV Platform contact Stellar Enterprise (510) 741-2045.


Anonymous said...

hey check out

it has all the best blogs on the PR industry on one single page.. are you there on it?

Julie Parker, Social Media Executive said...

Thanks Anonymous,

I will check it out.
