Thursday, July 12, 2007

72% of Fathers Say A Full-Time Job is Ideal

In an AJ New article, "working fathers say that they prefer a full time job rather than not working at all outside the home". I am not surprised to hear that most Dad's feel that the ideal situation for them is to work full time and not to be at home with the children (I guess there are not very many Mr. Mom's) but it is very surprising for me to think that over 25% (28%) actually would consider being at home full time with their children.

I feel better about men (ha ha ha). Just kidding. I think men can do an excellent job of raising their children especially after seeing that Movie with Will Smith, The Pursuit of Happiness. (If you have not seen it, get the DVD; It's a killer - I cried, he was such a great Dad), (Oops, I guess I got side tracked). Anyway, my real line of thought is why don't more men consider becoming self employed?

All they have to do is take their current skills and work with customers directly. Owning a company is just like running a household. You have a product or service and you sell it to people and complete the tasks just like managing the people, places and things at home.

Additionally, one can start a business and not know how to make the product or deliver the service(s) just need to hire people who do. Our CEO and founder Michael Parker, opened several companies he did not complete the work for himself but rather he found businesses he thought were good matches for the people which he formed into work groups.

So think about it; What do your friends and associates do well? Could you see yourself owning a business they work for?

The You Are a CEO program will provide the skill sets, training and coaching you need. I encourage both working mothers and working fathers to consider the many benefits of working for yourself and remember there is not a lot of competition since 72% of men and 70% of all women work full time for other people.

What do you think? Are you able to start your own business? Why or Why not?

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