Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Think, Act, Results - It's just that Simple!

Everything we do begins with a thought. Nothing can be done without first thinking about it. As a result, it is vital to consider how you think and to have the courage to actually do something about it. What runs through your mind day-to-day, week-to-week? Before you do big things you have to begin to THINK BIG and believe you can accomplish what you think you can (Of course, your thoughts should be based in reality and common sense). After you are thinking about the right things, you have to have the courage to ACT on what you have been thinking about. If you are thinking about something you want to learn more about, the next step is to actually go and begin learning it. If you want to start a business, get started! If you want to become better at dealing with people, start getting around coaches who can help you to make it happen. After learning how to think and having the courage to take action, you should eventually begin to see some RESULTS. If you never achieve any results then all is lost. We live in a results based society and we should try to lead a results based life. However, results must be measured in small steps so that we can see how much we are winning along the way as we pursue becoming the true champion of our lives, careers, and our businesses.


Anonymous said...

I agree with this whole heartedly! The way that you think affects the way that you feel; and the way that you feel will affect the way that you behave; and the way that you behave will lead to consequences - good or bad! If you think positive, you will behave in a positive way, which will produce positive results. Every potential business man or woman should possess the life skill of positive thinking. There is power in positive thinking; and once we all realize this power, our jobs as well as our lives will become more rewarding at the end of each day. Nevertheless, it takes an effort to think positive...we have to CHOOSE to think positive. So, TODAY, choose to think positive and see how far you can go in business and in life!

Anonymous said...

Yes! This is so true. If you think negatively, or you think with fear, than you will restrict your success by the way that you think and ultimately weaken your abillity to grow and to accomplish great things. I want to be a champion in my life and within my career and within anything that I do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Parker, I have seen that throughout history the people who were able to make major impacts to society have been people who have had the courage to do something about the thoughts and beliefs in their hearts. Such as Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandi, etc. Also people in business who have major impacts as well have had to do the same. In order to see results you have to start with your day-to-day actions.

Julie Parker, Social Media Executive said...

I really like the philosophy here in these last few posts.

I never thought of letting go an employee for the benefit of the customer or ending relationships to improve my life.

I was weak in eliminating negative people and negative habits in my life.

Now I see these decissions must be done in business and in life and the CEO Program makes it easy.

Somehow its just easier for me to think about executing necessary actions in life when I think of it as a business necessity.

I see my life and career like a corporation and decisions must be made to keep the company of "me" healthy and strong.

That means that people and employees (like a banking relationship) may need to be "let go" for the benefit of success.

I have learned that their are deposits and withdrawls everyone makes but in the end when you balance out the books when numbers dont add up - its not personal and emotional anymore.

The decissions are easier to make in my heart and easier to execute with my own head and hands.

For me - NOW that I know "I am the Chief Execution Officer" in my life and Its up to me to run my life and career decissions are just easier.


Anonymous said...

Well written article.