Sunday, August 19, 2007

Making Choices and Setting Priorities

My life has always been focused on survival. I had to work so I could eat and pay bills. The choices I made and the priorities I set were always work and money related.

As I have gotten older, wiser and attended the You Are a CEO program I have learned to change my priorities and make choices for me. Of course my job is important but it is not my life.

If I don't take care of me I won't be around to work. My health is a priority and working to much and stress is very bad for your heart, blood pressure and health.

Stress also contributes to weigh issues. Stress produces cortisol and that keeps weight around your midriff.

So Are you Making the Right Choices? Are you Setting Priorities? You can still work 8 hours and go to the Gym too.

I realized TV was eating up 10-14 hours per week. Really. 1-2 shows + the news nightly and movies on the weekend.

Since I could not change my hours at work and I needed to fit in a work out I gave up TV.

Its so funny what used to relax me was really the cause of my stress because it prevented me working out to eliminate stress...

So Go Ahead, Make a Choice and Live a Little for you! I am so glad I did.

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