Monday, April 30, 2007


The You Are a CEO program was created by Michael E. Parker after launching many businesses. He quickly realized that although almost anyone can create wealth for themselves, it takes a lot more to sustain your wealth and balance your professional and personal life. So he decided to create this trail blazing program—the first of its kind in that it provides the motivation and life skills needed to improve your life while also delivering real life business knowledge and tools that will equip you to be an effective entrepreneur or business professional. Thus, providing you with the ideal package giving you the knowledge needed to be successful, but more importantly to ensure your success is sustained.
Anyone who is aspiring to build new wealth for their business or household must receive this inspiring learning that will help to ensure that as you climb the wealth ladder you never lose sight of who you are and how to surround yourself with the right people and thinking to achieve success with a well-rounded life.


Anonymous said...

I've attended all of these events and each time I learn something new. Professionlly I'm growing, personally I'm growing, my household is changing (by the way, my children attend the Lifeskills411 Academy which has equipped them with the tools that the schools can not. I highly recommend getting your childs name on the wait list as soon as you can, it will change their lives.)The In and Out Cash management system is what you need. If you've read " Girl, get your money straight", this is what you need. My next step is to purchase the Platinum Business suite...I'm going all the way. Mr. Parker's story has caused me to believe in myself. Thank You

Anonymous said...

I agree. I attended the seminar this past weekend, I thought it was outstanding! I felt like it was a introduction, wondering and waiting to know if he will do longer seminars. The time went by too quick. It was definately, not your regular boring seminar he is a great speaker. I would like to invite you all to please come to the Marin area. You have motivated myself to be a CEO of my my life. I can't wait for more seminars by Mr.Parker. I would also like to find out more about LifeSkills 411 for my child. Again, Marin area please!!

Anonymous said...

Well it was my first time even hearing about Michael Parker. I was very skeptical but my curiosity made me come and see since it was only $20. When I came I was blown away!!! I could not believe how he was so engaging and kept all of us at the edge of our seats. I plan to have everyone I know go. This can help the small to the great achieve their goals!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been an independent contractor for 20+ years... I had some natural sales ability but was not a good manager of my time and work load.

I always felt like I was running and often worked way to many hours. My lack of organizational management skills was ruining my life.

Through Mr. Parker's programs I have started to learn the life skills I am missing so that I can be on time, complete projects by their deadlines and have my home in order.

I see now that your home life does affect your business life. When my life, mind, relationship or money is "funny" life is not good and Parker's program - really addresses the true issues many of us face.

It connects all the pieces: money, relationships, mind set, personal discipline and organizes the two components of home and career with business fundamentals that work.

I finally got to the root of my issues and am dealing with them.

I suggest everyone get these products: DVD's, Audio Books and Road Map for Success.

Thank you Mr. Parker -

Anonymous said...

This event blew me away! I was encouraged that he showed that the skills it takes to build a successful business, no matter what business, are within any indivual, they just have to recognize what your real strengths are. This guy's speaking ability is crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

You Are A CEO was a great seminar! I am interested in starting my own business and I found this informative, I even purchased the Platinum Business Suite. I have already started to implement some the great strategies!! THIS REALLY WORKS!!

Anonymous said...

This seminar was GREAT! Initially, I did not understand how I WAS A CEO without ever owning a business. However, Mr. Parker showed us how YOU ARE A CEO of your own life. And it is YOU who determine's your wealth and success. I have worked within organizations that admonish growth and advancement, yet give no direction on how to do so. This presentation gave me tools and techniques that I have been able to take home immediately and begin to use.
I have watched 2 DVD's so far and and as a RESULT, I already feel more organized, more control, more of a purpose in my life and in my career goals. I am learning how to effectively balance my home life, financial life and my career so much better than ever! I feel empowered by what I have seen so far.
Everyone is a CEO and Mr. Parker as helped me to see that in me!!!