Friday, October 5, 2007

What is REAL Happiness?

Self (
says, "Happiness and unhappiness are opposite sides of a judgement about your situation. If you judge your situation as bad for you, that's unhappiness. If you judge a situation as good for you, that's happiness".

So if that is true then the reasons that rich celebrities are unhappy is that they judge their situation as bad rather than good. So could we have a weekend retreat and change their states of mind? Will that show them what happiness is?

Abraham Lincoln said “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” So where are the heads of some people who have fame, money and success yet are unhappy? Britney Spears shaved her head and lost her two young son's to a complete wacko in her ex-husband K-Fed. That is disgraceful.

She is judging herself to be unhappy because of their failed relationship but that can not be the only thing in her life that makes her happy... right? And even if someone is unhappy about a failure does this mean that they have to be self destructive and make things worse? Where is the clear head of judgement and reason?

I believe some people are in need of professional help but others simple love, care and friendship would do. The advise,love and comfort of a caring friend is often enough comfort to get through the ruff times...and they come to us all.

Life Happens but we can always look at the bright side. When one door closes another will open and God knows that door should never have been opened for poor Britney.

I do think younger adults may need more guidance, mentoring and some communication structure to deal with the up and downs since they are less mature and experiences with their emotions and how they can influence ones behavior.

In times past guidance came from "their people" (the caring family, friends and community who share life , interacting and supporting them). However there seems to be a shortage of "people" in some of these villages nationwide and many people are looking for love only in a relationship. Sadly some people are lacking the life skills to love, support and nurture each other in a fulfilling manner.

That is the reason why the "You Are a CEO" program and their work with lifeskills 411 is so important to the lives of people in our community. Here people of all ages can learn valuable skills such as "Positive Thinking", "Personal Awareness" and "Positive Relationship".

These courses can help our communities develop these skills and create well balanced friendships. The CEO Executive Clubs are excellent places to meet other members who listen, talk and care while everyone is learning the skills to change their lives successfully.

This online village is a place where people can grow, connect, and practiced their new skills. Sharing your journey with peers on the same road is exciting and satisfying. These relationships create the infrastructure where support begins and this definitely improve ones state of mind and overall happiness.

It takes friends to be happy and happiness IS having people love and care about you when you view that as good for you. The right thinking will create this peace with ones self meaning you first have to like who you are and what you are all about.

Frankly some us us from time to time may need a little bit of help and that's OK when you know there are people out there who care and will help regardless of the situation life has brought you.

My suggestion is take the time time to invest in your self. Make time for family, friends and yourself. Don't let life or your career monopolize your YOU time or your state of mind. Happiness begins with personal development and it is time well worth spending on the Corporation of YOU!

Improving your skill sets will also make your self esteem go way up and make you feel very happy about you. The "You Are a CEO" program and "Executive Club" is committed to developing and influencing the lives of others to create the Happy Villiage Enterprise where community is made strong.

The African proverb says that "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" but I think that we have adults who need the village too. If we will commit and believe then we can do anything we set our positive minds to.

The You Are a CEO program and Executive Club is a wonderful resource to increase your personal happiness and it is open to anyone: Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Ritchie and Paris Hilton who could all gain perspective on life, find out who they are and work towards becoming the people they really want to be rather than the cover story of a cheesy tabloid.

OK Ladies, open invitation here.

The 13 week online "You Are a CEO" program and "Executive Club" was founded by Author and CEO Michael E. Parker of Stellar Enterprise. After finding success he knew that he had to give back to the community and make things easier for others. The program is available internationally online at

We want your feedback and comments on this story. Please Blog here and forward this to others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with Abraham Lincoln.

Happiness is a choice as is anything in life.

You must wake up and be happy.

Be content with your life and if it is not what you want do the work to change it.

When you have done all you can then just ask for grace to accept what you are dealing with and ask for mercy to feel the joy.