Thursday, August 30, 2007

Do You Shove Your Card at People?

According to expert Karen Frank (creator of Success in 30 Seconds) you never give out a business card unless asked. Period!

Additionally you never tell someone what you do to soon it sabotages you! People have preconceived notions of what a professional or trad does and the type of people they are. Let someone get to know you and investigate first.

Better yet, find out about them, what they do, who they know and sell to the people they know. No one likes pushy people who only talk about what they do and wrestle them for business but everyone wants to network and see if they can develop referral partnerships.

Karen says, " Remember, when you introduce yourself. Tell how you help people, who you help and who you are looking for. You'll meet allot of great people and maybe even get an introduction to your dream client"!

You can contact my friend Miss Karen Frank at

She has great workshops to learn more.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Big Event Tomorrow

Hilton Garden Inn 7 pm

Mr. Michael Parker, CEO of Stellar Enterprise and founder of the You Are a CEO program will present his most amazing series yet. Here you will learn about his exclusive executive club and a great business opportunity open to all who attend.

Dont Miss IT! 510 741 -2045 to register!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Making Choices and Setting Priorities

My life has always been focused on survival. I had to work so I could eat and pay bills. The choices I made and the priorities I set were always work and money related.

As I have gotten older, wiser and attended the You Are a CEO program I have learned to change my priorities and make choices for me. Of course my job is important but it is not my life.

If I don't take care of me I won't be around to work. My health is a priority and working to much and stress is very bad for your heart, blood pressure and health.

Stress also contributes to weigh issues. Stress produces cortisol and that keeps weight around your midriff.

So Are you Making the Right Choices? Are you Setting Priorities? You can still work 8 hours and go to the Gym too.

I realized TV was eating up 10-14 hours per week. Really. 1-2 shows + the news nightly and movies on the weekend.

Since I could not change my hours at work and I needed to fit in a work out I gave up TV.

Its so funny what used to relax me was really the cause of my stress because it prevented me working out to eliminate stress...

So Go Ahead, Make a Choice and Live a Little for you! I am so glad I did.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What Do Customers Think of Your Office?

Do they think it looks like an organized professional? HUM? Something to think about. The You Are CEO program teaches us that organizing our spaces makes us look good to the customers we serve but also plays a critical role in organizing the business flow.

How many times has time been lost looking for a file, document or envelope? Lots!

By utilizing the Organize Your Life kit you can make sure that everyone respects the way your office looks and you will feel great about yourself as well.

The best way to start is to use a timer and plan to organize your space for just 15 minutes per day.

Start with something small like your desk top. Remove everything that does not belong there, arrange what should be there and then clean the desk top with polish to make it shine. That's it.

Next time you can move to a drawer and then to a file cabinet or closet. Keep it simple. Slow continuous improvement is the best way to make changes that will stick.

You Are a CEO, How's Your Business Running?

Friday, August 3, 2007

Women in History

Women are CEO's because other women fought and won battles for this privledge. Once woman who wants to be sure we don't forget these women is Betty Reid Soskin. She had urged the Rosie Riveter Park and we wanted to share some of her bio so that you know we have a rich heritage in the Bay Area of powerful women who are the CEO's of their lives.

Betty Reid Soskin who was born in 1921 and currently resides in Richmond California. She is a Cultural Anthropologist and Writer and was awareded as the
2006 Women's History Month Honoree

This is her story:

Betty Reid Soskin’s deep, ingrained sense of culture, place, and purpose are obvious in the way she lives her life. Raised in a Creole-African American family, her life changed dramatically when in 1927 at the age of six, a horrendous hurricane in New Orleans destroyed her family’s home and business. With her mother, two sisters, and one shared suitcase, the family took refuge in California. Her dad was not able to join them until several months later. Facing adversity from childhood, Betty Reid Soskin’s life experiences encouraged her to develop a vision of community in many diverse forms.

The rich diversity of her ancestry encouraged her to become a bridge between cultures and races. Yet, she was unprepared for the hostility and danger she and her family faced when in the early 1950’s they moved to a northern California suburb. Against this milieu of brutal racism, she found support from people who were part of the Unitarian-Universalism community. Over the next 20 years, this community, beginning with 25 families meeting in living rooms and then growing to a congregation of over 300, encouraged, sustained and supported her values and beliefs.

The recognition of the extraordinary poverty and every growing sense of hopelessness in a neighboring community caused her to decide to leave the safety of her world to work in another. She embraced the role of black social activist and became a small merchant in the poverty community of South Berkeley, California. Using the skills she learned in one economic and social class, she was able to amplify her voice toward constructive change in another. With her strong commitment to community she helped create a housing development corporation with an all community board, which helped bring change to a high crime, drug infested welfare community. The result was the razing of a two-block, crime infested, slum area and in its place the construction of 41 units of market rate and subsidized housing. In recognition of this amazing accomplishment, Betty Reid Soskin was named a 1995 “Woman of the Year” by the California State Legislature.

Today, she has chosen to face the hopelessness and fear that surrounds her in the Richmond community in which she now lives. She is unafraid to say that one of the major influences in her life came with a mental breakdown in midlife. She describes this experience as opening up avenues into herself that she had never known. It was at this time in her life that she started to write and to sing and to create music and paint and to recognize the universality shared with everyone else on the planet.
Helping to make our history authentic, she persuaded the Rosie the Riveter/
World War II Home Front National Historical Park to acknowledge the role of Black neighborhoods surrounding the Richmond, California site, which had been bulldozed after the war.

Her diverse talents as a mother, researcher, academic, merchant, writer, dancer, artist, and activist testify to her ability to find and follow her own dreams as well as to respect and nurture the dreams of others.

To learn more: Google the World War II Home Frong National Historical Park, Rosie the Riveter or Women in History